Book a Session
These are the terms required to make a coaching relationship successful:
- I will be available to receive calls from my coach at our scheduled time.
- I will text my coach with at least 24 hours notice if I need to reschedule our coaching session.
- I will arrive for my coaching sessions prepared for a great session.
- I will do what I say I will do, when I say I will do it.
- I understand that if I miss an appointment it will not be made up.
- I will be willing to try new things suggested by my coach.
- I will be wiling to make changes in my habits to create positive outcomes in my life.
Start today with a Clarity Call
SPECIAL OFFER: Prepay full 6 months in advance and SAVE $500!
To end this agreement after the initial 6 months, please make your intentions known in writing and finish out the month of coaching that has been pre-paid, otherwise this becomes a month-to-month agreement at the current monthly rate.
Life Coaching for Women
Be happy, everyday, living the life you love!
Enjoy this life changing, FREE gift!
Discover how you can Transform your
Life with 6 Steps to Create the Life You Love.

Life Coaching For Women
Be happy, everyday, living the life you love!
Enjoy this life changing, FREE gift!
Discover how you can Transform your
Life with 6 Steps to Create the Life You Love.
Amazing Client Stories
I have had the privilege of having Terry support and coach me through some of the most pivotal moments of my life, when the world seemed to come crashing down, when I felt the most alone, Terry provided the safety net I needed to guide me to solid ground and to bit by bit gain the strength and confidence I needed to sort through life, rebuild dreams and simply breathe.
Having self-confidence and the courage to dream does not come easy for most, Terry has a way of helping to build trust in yourself and to help navigate through and beyond fear.