Cultural forces and early domestication shape your actions and, over time, you unconsciously slip into a box. When you put yourself in a box, you’ve lost your power. Do you feel powerless?
I remember the feeling I had when my mother passed away. I celebrated her life, and had some wonderful heartfelt moments up until the day she passed, but something remarkable happened that I didn’t expect. It was as though the box I had put myself in shattered, and there was a sense of freedom. I was confused by this feeling because I didn’t realize I had created a box, let alone, lived inside of it.
You give your power away in countless ways; being in a subservient relationship, going with the flow, not speaking your truth, and always trying to please others to avoid conflict.
When you feel trapped and powerless, you have given up your power, and you feel victimized.
Break out of the box. Speak and act your truth. You get to choose who you want to be.
Take back your power and change your story. It’s time to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Step out of the box today and start living your truth. Your life is shaped by your actions.
You have a choice to embrace your power or give it away, at every moment. This life belongs to you. Trust the Universe and write a new story. You are a powerful creator; use your power to create the life of your dreams!