It seems I’ve spent the better part of my life searching for and nurturing my Soul Mate. When I think I’ve found him, I pour my love into the relationship, and give everything I am to help nurture and grow the relationship of my dreams. The problem is, eventually I feel depleted, especially if it seems the love and effort I’m giving isn’t being equally returned. What makes YOU feel fulfilled?

“You can search throughout the entire Universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

Relationships are about giving and receiving. But, you can only give what you already have within you, to give. Give yourself the love, attention and appreciation you deserve, by realizing you are worthy of life’s greatest gifts.

Go inside, connect with your higher Self. The overflowing wellspring of Love, within you, is your greatest resource for happiness and abundance.

As you love, honor and fill yourself, you have the resources to extend those gifts to others, and your relationships will flourish.