There are days when there is so much to do, I forget to take the time to center myself. When this happens, I loose sight of the fact that I’m no longer consciously creating my reality; I am going along for the ride, and I’m letting other people, events and situations take charge.
There is a place inside of you, that is centered, and at peace. When you go inside and connect to Source, you are restored to your most creative, powerful Self. Complex problems, stress and anxiety that seem to control your unconscious actions are sparked by outside forces. When you forget WHO you are, your reality is skewed. You can choose to be upset and angry about a situation you cannot change, or you can choose to connect to Source and reclaim your power to react in a positive, creative way.
Take the 15 minutes you need to Connect to Source and center yourself, each morning. It will prevent you from wasting an entire day (840 minutes) of mis-creating the life of your dreams!
When you are centered and at peace, you possess the power to react to any situation, the way you choose, and consciously create the life you want.