It seems I’ve spent the better part of my life searching for and nurturing my Soul Mate. When I think I’ve found him, I pour my love into the relationship, and give everything I am to help nurture and grow the relationship of my dreams. The problem is, eventually I...
I’ve said it hundreds of times. At times, it feels justified, especially when I’ve done something I know better than to do! I tell myself, if I acknowledge that I’m being stupid, I’m punishing myself and I’ll know better the next time. But then, it happens again, and...
Sometimes, I just feel hungry, but I don’t know what I’m hungry for. I’ll go to the refrigerator and pantry and scour around for something to munch on. But when I really think about it… I’m not really hungry for food, I’m hungry for something to give me satisfaction...
When I find myself thinking negative thoughts about what happened yesterday, or the day before, or even weeks and months before, I feel horrible. Not only that, it affects my health and my ability to be creative. I realize I need to stop and begin again. It’s easy to...
You can begin healthy habits to create wellness and restore balance, right now. Close your eyes, quiet your mind and connect to Source. There are some days I just don’t feel myself, and that’s when I realize, I need to recharge. It’s no different than leaving your...