Sometimes, I just feel hungry, but I don’t know what I’m hungry for. I’ll go to the refrigerator and pantry and scour around for something to munch on. But when I really think about it… I’m not really hungry for food, I’m hungry for something to give me satisfaction...
When I find myself thinking negative thoughts about what happened yesterday, or the day before, or even weeks and months before, I feel horrible. Not only that, it affects my health and my ability to be creative. I realize I need to stop and begin again. It’s easy to...
Cultural forces and early domestication shape your actions and, over time, you unconsciously slip into a box. When you put yourself in a box, you’ve lost your power. Do you feel powerless? I remember the feeling I had when my mother passed away. I celebrated her life,...
There are days when there is so much to do, I forget to take the time to center myself. When this happens, I loose sight of the fact that I’m no longer consciously creating my reality; I am going along for the ride, and I’m letting other people, events and situations...