If you are caught up in worry from the past, or anxiety of the future, you have developed debilitating habits. What habits are holding you back?

There was a time when I woke up each morning, dreading the day ahead. My mind was filled with fear about my finances and how I would provide for my children. I also thought about the many failed relationships I had been in, and if I would ever find true and lasting love.

Deepak Chopra says, When you carry the weight of the past with you, and stress over what the future holds, the emotional, physical and psychological effects are severely damaging.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” The Teaching of Buddha 

Living in the present is the only real experience you have. When your mind is anywhere but now, it is disabling.

I learned the power of gratitude during those dark days. Writing down three things I was grateful for, every moment, kept me present. This practice quickly turned my life around. When you learn to develop habits to live in the moment, you heal yourself in this moment. Happiness is only real and possible, here and now.

Daily meditation helps restore your mind to the power of this moment, now.